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In Case of Literary Abandon

//back-up in case things hit the fan with GR; don't mind me~

Currently reading

The End of Alice
A.M. Homes
The Suspicion
Katherine Applegate
Y: The Last Man, Vol. 1: Unmanned
Pia Guerra, José Marzán Jr., Brian K. Vaughan
The Girl Who Played Go
Shan Sa, Adriana Hunter
Point Blank
Anthony Horowitz
Pale Fire
Vladimir Nabokov
Variable Star
Robert A. Heinlein, Spider Robinson
The Idiot
Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Constance Garnett, Joseph Frank, Anna Brailovsky
The Monk
Christopher MacLachlan, Matthew Gregory Lewis
The Brothers Karamazov
Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Larissa Volokhonsky, Richard Pevear

Strangers In Paradise Book 19: Ever After: Ever After Bk. 19

Strangers in Paradise, Volume 19: Ever After - Terry Moore If anyone tells you that comics cannot be deemed a successful and acceptable format by which to get emotions across, kindly point them in the direction of Strangers in Paradise.

This has to be my third (perhaps fourth) time running through it, and it still amazes me. Terry Moore manages to combine wit with harsh realities, leaving time for light humor in-between. The characters are real, raw, and believable, which makes them all the more beautiful. Francine, Katchoo, David, Tambi, Casey--hell, let's just say all of them--will waltz into your life as if they own the place, camp out, and force you to feel for them.

And, oh, will you feel. Over and over and over again.

And it doesn't help the emotions that Moore's art style is incredible. His women are not some sort of impossible ideal; they are human-shaped, which endears me to him all the more.

And I am always reminded of my own mortality when reading this (or after, I should say). I am mortal and I am going to die. And that death had better be significant to someone, otherwise I'll be incredibly pissed.

Tangent aside, this series is highly recommended. Do give it a whirl, but prep your tissues beforehand.